Mystical Gardens Flower Farm’s bouquet punch cards make a great gift for the flower lovers in your life. Each one is business card size and is redeemable for 5 of our gorgeous farm fresh flower bouquets. Cards have five spots to punch out with the redemption of each bouquet to help keep track of how many bouquets are remaining. Bouquets can be redeemed during open hours at our self serve Flower Cart, during our Farmer’s Market days from June till beginning of October (see our Farmer’s Market Page) or anytime by special order (24 hours notice required) with pick up at the Flower Cart here at the farm. The five bouquets must be redeemed within one year of receipt of the punch card.
How Our Punch Card System Works
1. You can redeem your bouquet at either the flower cart, the farmers market beginning in June or by special order.
2. Only one bouquet can be redeemed per visit. If you wish to redeem more than one bouquet during a visit, please contact Beth to place a special order ahead of time.
3. Each time you redeem a bouquet, please punch a hole on your card, and....
4. We will also keep a punch card on file for you (for our records)- any time you redeem a bouquet at the Flower Cart, please TEXT Beth at 401-486-3526. Be sure to include your name & which number bouquet you are redeeming (ie Ashlee, #3)
CONTACT us for more info.